Frequently asked Questions
How do I schedule an appointment?
Appointments can only be booked by phone through Team 1 at +49 30 484 911 72 during the respective opening hours!
Please check our website for information about our services to avoid overloading the phone line and to enable quick communication with you.
For some time now, we no longer accept massage appointments online or via info∂
What payment options do I have?
We accept cash and Girocard (V-Pay, Maestro) as well as credit cards (Mastercard/Vi sa).We cannot accept the newer yellow-green Comdirect Girocard due to technical errors.
Can I purchase vouchers and how long are they valid?
Vouchers can always and exclusively be purchased during our opening hours in Team 1 (on-site only) and are valid until redeemed!
You can examine our voucher designs at News.
The exchange and return of the vouchers are excluded for logistical reasons. Also in case of loss of the voucher we do not provide any replacement or compensation.
I am pregnant and would like to be massaged, what should I be aware of?
We are ready to massage expectant mothers once they have started the 7th month of pregnancy, before that we can not offer you a massage for the protection of the child and the pregnant woman.
After a cesarean section, a few months (for wound healing) should have passed before you start a massage.